Leadership Advisory Services

Sourcing Leaders

Are you looking for new leadership or do you need staff who bring the ability to see the big picture, think strategegically and relationally, and/or provide outstanding research, teaching, organizing, or pastoral leadership? We can help you find the people you need. We have broad networks across academic, spiritual, and social justice/civic organizations and a highly developed process which helps you think through what sort of person you need, engage deeply with candidates, and make outstanding decisions.

We Actually Diversify Candidate Pools

Do you find yourself simply never getting candidates who would authentically bring something new to your organization? There are a number of reasons for this. One, of course, is that class, race, and sex are structural realities that mean that people from historically excluded communities face obstacles in getting the training and credentials they need for the opportunities you are offering. But there is also self-selection, as your organization may not seem welcoming to them. And the best people may not be looking for something new, because they are in such demand that they already have a position which satisfies them. That means that it is necessary to actually look for them. And that is what we can do, searching across the academy and the nonprofit sector, drawing on networks that are rich in candidates from historically excluded communities. Finally, we can work with your search committees to make sure that they do not exclude candidates who are actually different because they think they would not be a good “fit” and then work with the successful candidate and with your organization to make sure that they have a chance to actually make a difference, and are not shut down or disempowered by structures and practices of which those involved may not even be aware.

Our Method

We approach a search by trying to understand your organization as best we can. This includes both a look at your data and public presence and a series of individual relational meetings with key leaders and representatives of core constituencies. We then use our global network to source candidates, spend time getting to know them through extended individual meetings as well as conversations with their colleagues, and then identify a group of semifinalists to share with your hiring managers and your committee. We work on a retained basis only, though we provide discounts for low budget organizations.

Cutivating Leaders

We offer a comprehensive leadership coaching and mentoring process which involves formal assessments and in-depth interviews to understand who you are and what you are trying to accomplish, individual study, and regular consulations. Each program is customized to meet your needs.